Archive for March, 2007

on the growth capacity of manga/comics

I was amused by this exchange from this interview with the CEO of Digital Manga Publishing, publishers of a whole heap of yaoi and, uh, very little else. Except Bambi and her Pink Gun. But anyway:

  • Ginger Mayerson: Do you feel there’s a contraction in the manga market in Japan? Is it shrinking?
  • Hikaru Sasahara: Yes, in the past couple of years it’s been going down because the kids are spending more money on cell phones, games and stuff. The manga is going down. I think three years ago it used to be a six billion dollar business, but now I think it’s about less than four billion.
  • GM: Ew. That’s a third.
  • HS: A year, but it’s still big.
  • GM: But it’s booming here.
  • HS: I can see that Japan is going down, but the U.S. is going up. Based on the fact that I see merging of the culture between U.S. and Japan, I can see that manga is going to be really big.
  • GM: It’s big already here.
  • HS: Not compared to-
  • GM: Marvel and DC?
  • HS: No, just manga in Japan. The whole revenue in America is only a little over two hundred million, compared to four billion in Japan. So it could grow that big in the future, I think, so I’m very excited. People are telling me that the market is being saturated here, and I have to tell them that they don’t understand.

Leigh Walton talks comics and maybe other arts. (RSS)
He also works for the very excellent publisher Top Shelf Productions (which does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions, etc, herein).


Header by me. Contains an interpolation of the final panel from All-Star Superman #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Speaking of which.