Archive for the 'sex' Category

Lost Girls interview

Take a look at this twopart interview with Alan Moore (Alan’s interviews are always worth reading) about the new book Lost Girls by him and his wife Melinda Gebbie.

Yes, we are making quite a passionate plea for the freedom of the sexual passion in LOST GIRLS, but we’re also quite passionate about art nouveau and old painters and writers that we like, and beauty. The thing is that all of this is destroyed by war. The art treasures of Europe, and Britain and Europe’s youngest and prettiest and sexiest men and women were just turned to hamburger in their millions in the First World War. Don’t even get me started…

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AM: One of the main things that we wanted to do with LOST GIRLS — one of the reasons why we wanted to do erotica or pornography or call it what you will that was art — is because there is a very big difference between the effect of genuine art and the effect of pornography, as it stands. When we see a work of genuine art, it makes us feel less alone. We see something captured in that sculpture or that piece of music or that painting or that book — it expresses something that, up until then, only we had perceived. We see something like an echo — something that confirms to us that, yes, our way of seeing things is not wrong. There are other people who have seen things that way, too, and they’ve just expressed it better than we could.

KA: I think one of the great tragedies of the human condition is that you can’t truly share another’s experience. We can describe and communicate our feelings and perceptions, but no one can experience anyone else’s in the first person.

AM: You can’t get inside somebody else’s skin. We’re all quite lonely. If art has a real function, then surely part of it must be as a way of communicating mind-to-mind, often in ways that language alone can’t manage. A piece of music can say things that words couldn’t. A genuine piece of art — we hear it or we see it — it makes us feel less alone. Now, that is the exact opposite of a work of pornography. A work of pornography generally leads to isolation, selfish lust, and unbearable loneliness. Once the object of the pornography has been achieved, then you can writhe in the sordid and degraded kind of loneliness of your abject existence. That’s not the kind of feeling that I prefer to associate with sex. And yet, I think an awful lot of the millions of people who make use of pornography across the world must be regularly plunged into that very unpleasant kind of selfish space. There’s no need for that. If pornography could be an aesthetic experience, an intellectual experience, and still be sexy, then it could be an incredibly useful tool that could heal a lot of people in areas where they have problems that they don’t even know how to talk about or define. If pornography was used correctly, it could give a kind of forum for discussing sexual ideas. There isn’t a forum of that nature in existence at the moment. The only place where sex gets discussed is in these teenage problem page columns where it’s generally discussed with an absolute antiseptic lack of sexiness, so that it all sounds very medical — as if it probably involves tubes and clamps (which I suppose it may, depending on your habits). This is such a big issue. If you ask anyone that’s culturally in the know what are the big themes, they’ll say, ‘Oh, well, sex and death.’ I don’t see a lot of evidence for that. I mean, death, certainly — we seem to be completely obsessed with it. If the big themes in art are sex and death, I’d say that sex is woefully underrepresented. It struck me and Melinda that this is a territory that everybody was ignoring, which are always the territories I like best. When I first involved myself with comics, it was a territory that serious artists and writers seemed to be avoiding, which is always a really good reason to go and check something out. You might find that it’s relatively undeveloped, untouched, and can be shaped with sufficient talent and ability into something that’s viable.

Leigh Walton talks comics and maybe other arts. (RSS)
He also works for the very excellent publisher Top Shelf Productions (which does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions, etc, herein).


Header by me. Contains an interpolation of the final panel from All-Star Superman #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Speaking of which.