Archive for the '24-hour comics drawpocalypse' Category

10AM: Stick a fork in us

More soon! Congratulations and thank-yous to everyone who came out.

8:47AM: the face of isometric triumph

Pause for station break: we’re here at Cosmic Monkey Comics until 10 AM for the 24-Hour Comics Drawpocalypse! Come visit us anytime!

David? Any thoughts on the completion of your TENTH 24-hour comic?

“I don’t know if I want to do this again.”

“But then, I felt like that at the end of the last one.”

8:45AM: quibbling

Pete Soloway: I might be the world’s leading expert on drawing assfaces.
someone: But what about Steve Dillon?
everyone: ooooh.
Pete: It doesn’t count! He’s got an anus for a face!

Let’s take a second to look again at that Conan comic my housemate Katherine picked out.

Conan is throwing a tiger at a bunch of other tigers.

8:15AM: the morning after

Updated with high-res version

7:55AM: Profiles in VICTORY!

Pause for station break: we’re here at Cosmic Monkey Comics until 10 AM for the 24-Hour Comics Drawpocalypse! Come visit us anytime!

“I’m Elana Pritchard, and I just finished my first 24-hour comic!”

She recently started going to the Art Institute for animation. Her day job is as a nanny, which means she gets paid to watch cartoons with the kids! Now she’s off to do a drawing assignment for class and try to get back on a human schedule.

“This was quite an experience. I’m really glad I did it.”

7AM: Thus are legends born!

Nap: obtained!

Energy: sort of regained!
[It looks so Photoshopped! I assure you it is not]

Heroic cartoonists: still going!

~ ~ ~

My new housemates stopped by at 3 AM to poke me and pick out some comics.

3AM: Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction

Why did I sign up for this? I was kind of excited about the thought of a descent into madness as the hours grew late. Mostly it’s been a descent into sleepy.

1:40AM: from Nashville came a dark horse riding up

Special late-night guest appearance by Scott Allie of Dark Horse!

1-1:30AM: Heroes have an infinite capacity for stupidity

Pause for station break: we’re here at Cosmic Monkey Comics until 10 AM for the 24-Hour Comics Drawpocalypse! Come visit us anytime!

Some have retreated to the balcony.

The shopkeep is enlisted to provide a moment of critical evaluation.

~ ~ ~

Christopher Hazell has been making comics occasionally since high school, but not much lately. Though he grew up here, he’s wanted to get more involved in the Portland comics scene, so here he is! 24-Hour Comic Day was a nice incentive to “get out of the house and do something to completion.”

How’s it going? “I never want to see any of these characters again in my entire life.” He’s having fun, but it’s tiring. Christopher’s story appears to involve a snail-headed man hiring a Quetzalcoatl-like man to smuggle two bug children whilst being pursued by two (robot?) bounty hunters. The aerial battles are exciting, though complicated, to draw.

He’s drawn thumbnails for the whole story, and is currently trying to finish pencils (4-5 pages left), then he’ll ink as much as he can.

The experience? “Pretty intense … it always takes longer to draw things than I think it will.” But he’s “astounded at how well everyone else is doing.”

~ ~ ~

Emily Block is an art minor and Chinese major from Lewis & Clark. Her comic started out as a sketch of a girl with long sleeves, which led to a memory of a long-sleeved Emily holding her arms out at the beach and pretending to fly. So now she’s a flying girl whose father (a sea-fisherman) gets in trouble and must be rescued… or something.

Emily’s only planning 1-2 pages at a time. “I got here and saw everyone start drawing right away, so I thought I better stop planning and start drawing!” She’s been making little comics since high school, but this will be the longest comic story she’s ever done (a common theme with several of the younger artists here tonight).

“I was nervous last night — worried about being able to think of an idea. Usually doing layout is easy, but coming up with stories is hard. But then this one popped into my head.”

“I better say this now before I change my mind… but I’m glad I came!”

Leigh Walton talks comics and maybe other arts. (RSS)
He also works for the very excellent publisher Top Shelf Productions (which does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions, etc, herein).


Header by me. Contains an interpolation of the final panel from All-Star Superman #1 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Speaking of which.